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The end of a pet’s life is a difficult time for your pet and for you, their family. Here at Heritage Animal Hospital we understand and we want to make sure that you can spend those last moments together in a comfortable place. For this we have set aside a room specifically for these services. In our designated comfort room, end of life care is little less difficult at Heritage Animal Hospital. 

A do that is coming to the end of his life. His owner called to his home in Logan Utah for euthasia.

Is It Time?

Saying goodbye to a beloved friend is never easy. However, euthanasia is a humane choice, especially when medical options and resources have been exhausted. Here at Heritage Animal Hospital, we are here to help with medical management of illness, implementing treatment protocols, and even extensive care. We can also provide our professional, medical opinion regarding quality of life.  However, ultimately, the decision lies in your hands. The most important thing for pet owners to consider when they find themselves in this situation is their pet's quality of life. Oftentimes, issues like lack of mobility, loss of appetite, and discomfort, can signal deeper problems.


Here's a few things to consider when considering quality of life in a pet:


Mobility: As your pets grow older, they often have a harder time moving. You may need to help them to climb the stairs or jumping into bed, but they can still live a happy, healthy life at this point. Now, if your pet can hardly move, that's another matter. If your furry loved one collapses when sitting or lying down, can't walk, or whimpers when you move them, this is often a sign of deep discomfort and pain. 


Appetite: When considering euthanasia for your dog or cat, another important aspect is whether or not they're eating. Do they struggle to chew or swallow? Can they consume and digest enough food to stay nourished? Are they enjoying dinner time or do you have to convince them to take each bite? These are great questions to ask yourself, as a pet that can't eat is one that's on a slow road to starvation.


Breathing: Is your pet able to breath easily, or do they seem out of breath and panting constantly? Do you notice the sides of their chest "pumping" as they labor to breath? Oftentimes cancer and other illnesses can fill your furry loved one's lungs with fluid and foreign materials. In this case, we can perform an x-ray to see what can be done. Allergies, infection, and even asthma can be solved with the help of medication. However, cancer or a heart condition is more severe, and little can be done.


Discomfort: Pets can hide their pain very well. However, no one knows them better than you, and if they're coming towards the end of their life and appear to be hurting, they are likely uncomfortable. Oftentimes pets will change their routine in order to find a quiet place to rest and deal with the discomfort. They may forsake their favorite spot on the bed, leave behind a prized toy, and avoid interaction with other pets. You may also notice flinching, hissing, or snarling as you pet them, indicating localized or even general pain. 


Happiness: Most pets are easy to please. A toy, a bowl of food, a quick scratch on the head and you'll have that tail wagging in no time. As their owner, you know what makes them happy, but as they grow older, pain and discomfort can slowly become unbearable. You'll notice these changes and that what used to make them excited doesn't have the same effect anymore. This can be an indicator that it's time to visit the vet and see if any solutions are available. If you've already been and these indicators persist, it may be time to give serious thought to euthanasia. 


Overall, this is a painful decision that must be made by you. However, we are here to help. We'll give you our professional advice and support to help you make a the correct decision for your pet.  Our Logan in-home cat and dog euthanasia doctors take care to make this difficult situation as comfortable as possible for you and your family.


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